Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

Shes coloured in the red and copper tones but did not like it enough to do it again. She has also permed her hair but it never stay's in long because her hair is so fine. I try to think of something but drew a blank. Thanks in advance for all your ideas.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

My six year old daughter has SUPER fine blonde hair. I found that it helped to get it layered. Blow dry it upside down. Also, my favorite thing is . . . .it's like a hair straightener but it's called a wave. Looks so good!!!! And makes your hair soooo much fuller. And the best part is it only takes about 10 minutes each time you use it.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

She should go into a salon and ask for some ideas. They may have some great hair products for her to try. She should experiment until she finds something that really works.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

Get her to a hair salon. Maybe even switch shampoos like to Pantene Full and Thick.

Thin hair is not always fun to take care of!

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

She should go to a hair salon for some ideas. They will be loads of help there.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

how about a croppy type style? it works best on fine hair. something with some texture in it. there's also a new perm on the market for fine hair. it's a texturizing perm and it only has one step to it. it's an ISO brand. and it doesn't smell too bad , either.

has she tried other products like a root boost? i like to use it on fine hair with a large round brush for volume.

hope it helped some

take care.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

I have super fine hair too. I know from experience that he best defense against fine hair is a good cut. The right hairstyle for her hair texture can make all the difference in the world.

Some hair products can help make hair appear slightly fuller, at least for a little while, and can help with holding a style in place, but there's no product out there for us yet, that can actually give us more hair.

My Mom has very fine blond hair and she's really tired of it any ideas?

Fine hair or layered hair lends itself to "finger waving" or "marcel waving". You can read more at the link below.

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