Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Any ideas on how to cornrow hair?

i have tried to cornrow hair to my scalp but cannot get the hang of it any ideas?i love how alica keys braids her hair

Any ideas on how to cornrow hair?

Conrows are kinda like really small french plaits. Quite easy if you cam plait hair. If you have afro hair they are easier to put in. You would be better asking around for someone who does it from home or who would come to your house to do it.

Any ideas on how to cornrow hair?

doing it yourself is definatly difficult. have a friend who already knows how show you and explain every detail, google it, or if you just want your hair cornrowed go to a salon and have them do it. save the hassle.. its very time consuming.

Any ideas on how to cornrow hair?

Most women can't do their own cornrows, but they can 'ask their friends' to do theirs, and then do their friend's hair in return ... or you could go to a good hairdresser who 'knows how to cornrow' ...

I'm a white woman, but when I was going to college, I would do the 'rows' for three of my black schoolmates after gym class, because I 'knew how' and did it well ... their grandmothers had always done theirs, and had never 'taught them how' so I had to 'give lessons' to them so they could learn how to do each other ... and I can still 'cornrow' hair, even though I'm white and 56!

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