Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I need a new style of hair..thinking straight but like the hair that all the 'pretty girls'

and i mean specific ideas... im not that creative!! lol HELP PLEASE! my hair is in desperate need.

I need a new style of hair..thinking straight but like the hair that all the 'pretty girls' have i need ideas!


I need a new style of hair..thinking straight but like the hair that all the 'pretty girls' have i need ideas!

i think straightened, longish layered with sidebangs is the norm

so you could go with that and then make subtle tweaks to make it your own

ex: do straight across bangs, go wavy, etc

and scrunch occasionally, do one tiny braid to the side, let it do its own thing

you'll look gorgeous (:

I need a new style of hair..thinking straight but like the hair that all the 'pretty girls' have i need ideas!

side bangs...

layers going in a v shape....

one in the length of ur ears

another at the bottom of ur head

and then ur bottom layer one however long u like

I need a new style of hair..thinking straight but like the hair that all the 'pretty girls' have i need ideas!

I don't like Paris, but her hair and bangs are kind of cute in this picture if you want straight hair:


Here is a cute wavy style you might like:


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